Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dogs that don't shed much?

i love kelpies, but my dad reckons they shed too much... but he says we can get a kelpie cross... any way what are some dogs that don't shed too much? I would settle for a little skinny one like a manchester terrier... but any dogs which don't shed and look cool sort of like, border collies, kelpies, labradors, golden retrievers or any thing like that... i want the dog to be small to medium...
Absolutely! I have a Staffy (Staffordshire Bull Terrier) and she is gorgeous. They have quite short fur so shedding isn't much of a problem, and the English variety are in the medium category while the American are a bit bigger. Mine is half and half but I would recommend an English of the two. They are real people dogs and love games and walks/runs. They are also quite affectionate and loyal. They are good with kids too. The only problem we have is that they have extremely strong jaws and love chewing, so you have to make sure that things aren't lying around that they can chew, if they are not supervised. Apart from that, they are great dogs overall. Good luck with your search. I hope you find the right dog for you.
Try it tells you how much they shed etc. :)
Well Schnauzers and Yorkies actually have hair instead of fur, but if you want something more manly probably a English Bull dog, or a Boston Terrier.
border collies and kelpies are my favorite dog. I could not get one of them because they shed so much. I settled for a toy poodle pomerianian mix. Poodles are really smart, don't shed, and you can't be allergic to them. If you dont like the poodle look, you get a dog that doesn't look like a poodle but is bred with a collie or kelpie.
I have a border collie and she sheds like crazy and needs a lot of grooming. I also have a beagle and she doesn't shed much at all. My brother has a boston terrier and a rat terrier and neither sheds much. I also heard that Pugs don't shed much. If you go to the Animal Planet website use their dog breed selector you can find all the breeds that don't shed alot. Here is the link, just answer the question and move to the next, until it gives you the list of breeds that might be right for you.
Go on to take a quiz which selects your perfect dog breed. You can choose the amount of shedding, size, excercise needs etc.
Some dogs to suit you would be a Schnauzer, Lakeland Terrier, or Papillion. But I would recommend a Dandie Dinmont Terrier - one of the loveliest dogs ever!
Good luck, and I hope you have many good times with your four-legged friend.
Maltese, poodle, Bichon and some terriers. Generally any single hair does not shed but will lose some hair much like a human.
My friend has a poodle/lab cross. Medium sized dog and NO SHEDDING! They're calling them Goldiepoo's or Labradoodle's. I guess depending on what kind of lab. They're quite popular where I live but pretty expensive.
Good luck with the puppy hunt!
labradoodle or poodle don't shed at all
Realize that this means grooming. I am a groomer and the best dog is to rescue a small cocker. Be sure the dog is not a puppy and in good will thank me!
All the dogs you mentioned can be big shedders!! And they require a lot of exercise for all their energy. If you brush the dog regularly it will help with the shedding-getting rid of the extra fur instead of it falling out all over the house.
Check out and see if there are any of those breeds or mixes near you. :)
Poodles hardly shed at all.
I have a bichon of my own and the main reason we got him is because he does not shed at all. He is a small dog with a big heart!
Dachshunds are good and barley shed. You can get a short hair, long hair, or wire hair. My favorite would be the short hair then the long hair I don't really like the wire hair which looks kinda like a Snhuazer. They come in miniature and standard but ar small dogs to begin with they are about up to 15 pounds for a miniature.

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