Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Don't want to sell a puppy?

My dog recently had puppys.When my co-worker found out she imediatly asked me how much I would be selling them for then she asked if she could have one, but make payments. I told her that would be fine. She promised me 50 a week untill the full ammount was paid then she would take the dog after it was paid in full. She has not kept up on the payments and I am no longer sure I want her to have one because seeing her and her family interact with the dog just didn't feel right. How do I tell her that I no longer wish to sell her the dog? I plan to give back the money she has paid to this point, but just don't know what to say to her. Any help would be great.
May be a bit cliche, but honesty is the best policy! I would talk to her calm and politely about it. If you can't bring yourself to do that, I would tell her that someone offered to pay up front in full for the pup, and since she wasn't keeping up on her payments, you decided to do what was best for you "financially." Good luck with whatever you choose!
good for you, if you dont think its the right home then dont let the pup go, all you can say is you dont think its the right dog for her, tell her all the bad points of having a dog (ok lie)
good luck
Just try and be nice about it. Try to apeal to her on an emotional and rational way.
Tell her in a calm manner why you made your decision and that you will refund her money in full.
Wow, well, if she cant afford the dog up front, how is she going to afford vet bills, food, toys, collars and so on?
I wouldnt know what to tell her either, but I can tell you please go with your gut. If there is something nagging at you saying "This doesnt feel right" then DON'T do it! Even if you have to hurt her feelings a little.
I hope someone can help you with what to say, I would be at a loss too. Good luck, though.
Tell her she has not kept up on the payments so you've sold the pup to someone else. Too bad, so sad. If she goes on about it tell he you had serious concerns about her being able to afford an emergency if she can't even keep up her payments.
Better to live with a cranky co-worker than to know you sold the pup to a bad home.
give her back any money she has already paid, and tell her someone else paid in full already..
Just tell her that the puppies are NO longer for sale. Apologize (yeah right) and give her money back.
Good job by being a responsible owner and watching out for the puppies!
Well, you could just tell her that somehow this dog doesn't seems to be the right one for her. That you are willing to give her back her money and you could maybe help her look for another dog. But that this breed just doesn't seem to adjust well to her life ...
Good luck
Tell her that you have sold all of the other puppies, but that you 'fell in love' with this one and want to keep it for yourself. Then if you decide to 'sell it' later, you can say that 'someone special' really needed the puppy and you GAVE IT AWAY. Say it was a kid with cancer or something ... HOW could she complain about that?
Tell her you changed your mind and decided to keep the $ and refund her what she all ready paid. Good for you. Great decision.
Since she is a co-worker it may be better to tell a bit of a white lie and just say that you decided to keep the puppy. Give her money back and just leave it at that. If you tell her the truth, things could become tense at work which you wouldn't want.
Just tell her she didn't keep the agreement of the weekly payment %26 the deal is off!
I would give her back the money, tell her that since she couldn't pay in full and hasn't kept up with the payment plan, you have found someone to pay in full that wants the pup right now. Good luck!! (And excellent decision,,, always trust your gut feeling!!)
Tell her you have gotten too attached to the dog and you're keeping it for yourself, if you get busted telling a fib, oh well.
I understand as I have just rescued a puppy from a rotten home and now I have another dog, it was treated horrid!
Tell her that she has not kept up on payments and that a family member has decided that they want the dog. Apologize and return the money. While I don't normally condone it, a white lie about the family member may help keep the peace at work.
I would tell her that since the agreement hasn't been fulfilled on her part, that the puppy is no longer for sale.
Good for you!
be frank... be like ey hoe gimme back my dogggie
Wow, that's a tuff one.
But really honesty is the best route, especially with touchy situations like that.
I mean, how will she afford food, bedding, neuter/ spay, shots, bowls, toys, collar w/ ID, etc. if she can't even afford the actual dog?
I understand feeling like you're the mom and the puppies are your furry little babies. When I had to give away kittens I was heartbroken whenever one had to go but I was very serious about making sure the homes they went to were with responsible owners.
You don't want to have to worry about what ever happened to this puppy once the woman takes it.
Just sit down and calmly, in the least presumptuous way possible, ask if she's ever even owned a dog and say that you're not sure she's the best pet parent. Give her back the money and apologize.
Although since it is a co-worker, if you're afraid she might be spiteful, I'd say someone who lives out of state offered to pay in full and you would have come and spoken to her first, but there wasn't time before the other person left.
Oh well!
did u have anything in writing ? if not give her back her money and tell her she nulled on the deal by not keeping up the payments and that u do not want to sell her the dog any more and you plan to keep it yourself
if it is in writing u have rpoff she nullified the deal
Usually if payment isn't made on time then they lose puppy %26 money. You are being generous giving her a refund.
Just tell her the puppy is getting older %26 should have already been gone. It needs to bound with its new family. You can't keep feeding, cleaning up after %26 keeping it up-to-date on shots and wormings and its not fair to keep the puppy longer.
Some people do this to get you to get you to fully vaccinate it and to house break it for them.
you can say sorry and tell her that i am no longer selling these puppies im really sorry
"I'm sorry. I am not going to be able to sell you this puppy. I am returning your deposits. I am sorry."
You don't really owe her any further explanation. I would give her money back in check form, so you have a receipt.
Tell her that you dont think she could offer the puppy the type of home you want for it. Give her back her money and be nice about it. She may get frustrated, but thats a risk you'll have to take. Good job watching out for your puppy!!
鈾モ櫏Good luck鈾モ櫏

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