Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting another dog. whet really bad?

so me and my family where going to get another dog.
we have a german/collie.she is 6 years.
the other dog was also a german/collie.
he is 3 years.and fixed
all they wanted to do was eat each other.
is this normal?
i have never had two dogs before.
we met at a park for the intro.
wow i have never seen my dog act this way.
how can i work on introducing my Isabelle?
with out the fighting?
Ahh, thats too bad. Could you tell which dog instigated? If it wasnt your dog maybe there is hope. Some dogs dont seem to like certain dogs but maybe its best to just be a 1 dog family. You could try talking to a trainer, maybe they can test your dog and see if she has specific issues that can be avoided or corrected.
keep both of them on a leash i have 4 dogs but they live sepertly when i got my 2nd dog all he wanted to atack my other dog just keep him on a leash till they get used to echother dont feed treats together becuz they might atac echother my dogs did and the dog u had longer is going to show her domints so watch them very closly i had to go threw with it to
It takes time for many dogs to get used to a new family member. It was scary because you are not used to seeing your dog growl and show it's teeth (the wild animal in your dog is a far cry from the domesticated one.) When I first introduced my dogs, I thought jugulars were going to be ripped out. But now they are best friends.
Try rubbing some of the new dog's scent onto your other dog's coat. Dogs will snap, snarl, growl, bark, etc. at each other. There will be some of this going on as they establish order in the pack. Be sure to give your original dog plenty of attention and for the time being, remove toys from the area as those tend to cause problems.
wat? how old r u

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