Hi, was out with my Dalmatian tonight and called her back (very rarely listens, but a bit more since I have been pregnant), i had to shout a few times. The last time I did, using a very stern voice, she stopped , turned round and bark/moaned, like a woo woo woo (not a bark but a "Mum, get over it"~~). Any of tour dogs back chat like a hormonal teenager? LOL
I'm happy to hear you consider your dog your first baby and hope you'll always keep that in mind once the human child arrives. your children should all be loved the same, fur or human.
My oldest pup (a Min Pin/Chi mix) talks back to me and grumbles under his breath when I send him to his "pillow". I've trained my dogs to sleep on top of my bed on top of a dog pillow so as to not allow them to walk all over me while I'm sleeping or to try and get under the covers. My oldest is the most emotional of the three and when I've sent him back to his pillow he'll go but will give a BIG sigh and lie down with his arms crossed in front of him like a child would. I can't help but smile when I think of his little cute face when he does that.
dont wory mi german sheperd sky does the same thing to me ,sometimes i just laugh at it and walk away sometimes she'll folllow me . but try gining her treats when or if she comes to you thats what im doing it seems to work .
That's too funny! Actually, I have dogs because they don't talk back like kids do! I do have a pomeranian that "sneezes" at me if I want him to do something.
Gotta love those doggies!
Thanks for sharing!
I can see her now---"Mom, I'm only a puppy dog!"----with the classic "hang dog" look!!
If you mean sassy or mouthy.. Yeah I got a few of those... Gotta get the last word in.. Might have got that from me :)
I have a min pin that talks back at me all the time. I talk to my dogs a lot, probably more than I talk to humans, so it doesn't really surprize me. I'll tell her, 'Zoey, I'm going to work now. You be a good girl and watch the house. I'll be back soon', and she will start RAw-Waw-Woh-Ooh-ing me. I think it's precious. It is rather annoying when I'm trying to discipline her, but she'll get the hang of it over time. That or maybe I will!
oh yes, my dog ALWAYS has o have the last word. She barks at the tv all the time and im forever telling her to stop but she will look at me and woof everytime i say "molly.no!" she gets quieter till in the end you can just see her jowls move and a very slight woof, but she wont stop till she has won.
she then looks victorious and lies down in her bed.
she also breaks wind, gets up, wags her tail and then leaves the room!! dogs def have their own charactors and personalities and mine is def a stroppy teen!
I have 2 that talk back. One of them (both toy poodles) actually will stand %26 just "talk" about who knows what. Sometimes I can figure out what she wants. The other one gets louder %26 louder until you listen to her. I've had to resort to using a squirt bottle when the pitch gets so high you think your eyes will bleed. I've always said they're more like children than some people might think %26 this just proves it.
Oh, most definitely, Bella our Akita/Border Collie mix does this ALL the time. She's always barking at us telling the what for. And always tries to get in the last word too.
i had a Dalmatian once and she was a dangerous *****, she grew to be a very powerfull animal and would challenge me at every opportunity, i had to give her away for the safety of the kids and found out that they were actually bred to be fit and vicious, years ago they used them to run alongside the carriages and the highwaymen knew they were the vicious dogs because of the spots.
p.s congrats on your first to be, but if you think your dog is giving you backchat you just wait another 5 years, lol good luck.
i had huskies who are very social dogs. they all chat back to you and they will just talk with you. most dogs that chat back have a flare and an unusual personality. they, in general, think that they are human. i was unaware that a Dalmatian was like this too. thanks for the information.
No, dogs do not talk.doh
I don't think you are all the ticket though.
Hope you give birth soon and leave the boards alone for a few weeks your hormonal nastiness is giving us all the hump!
My pekes use to talk back a lot. The cockers did too. The chis don't do it too much, but I have one crested that talks all the time and howls in a low voice, "oooooohhhhh, ooooooohhhh" like a cow mooing. My hubby says she talks chinese "IYIYOYIYOYI" all the time. She is really a funny dog. She can climb like a monkey, straight up a 7ft chainlink fence, pregnant and all. It's amazing. We've never seen anything like it.
I miss mine, I mean, I mused to know exactly what me %26 they were thinking instictively
My dog doesn't really talk back but does whine when he wants us to get up and take him out to go potty or if he wants attention he does this low huff and then starts to whine and eventually he will do the high pitched "rar" that big dogs do sometime just to play. If he is excited he does the "Ee ee ee" almost like a laugh but not as jolly.
ya one day when my dog was barking i started barking at her and then she kept barking back at me all sassy and then my other one does when she wants to be sassy or she wants to come in because she can hear me in my room ...or my other dog will get mad at me when we're playing so she starts barking at me ..lol ..their such sassy dogs
My dog used to stare at me when he wanted something and I would have to recite a list of possibilities until he smiled at the right one. He never answered back. He was far too dignified to indulge in rows, and I think he had had a few before we got him from the refuge, so he appreciated peace and quiet. I used to talk to him all the time and we were great buds. If ever I looked like doing something unwise, he would give me a very worried look, but he never complained.
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