How many of you dog lovers out there had dogs first then had kids and kept your dogs?
I have 4 dogs and no kids yet and I am so sick of people telling me that when I have kids I will just forget about my dogs. I am a HUGE dog person and always have been and I know I wouldn't do that. I grew up with dogs and I know how to handle them. My dogs are my family and very well behaved so I would never just get rid of them or toss them in the backyard.
I just want to hear your stories so I know there are other people like me that won't just forget the dogs.
I had dogs even before I was married. I got married and still loved and played with them. I still had them when I first had kids and the dogs were great. They would sleep in the babies room and would come get me when he started to cry. I would reward them for that kind of stuff. I recently got 2 new pups because my originals passed1 from cancer and the other was just her time. My kids beg me for them since they had grown up with my other 2. You will never forget your dogs for anything.
if you can honestly tell me your dogs,can be trusted around, kids, what the problem ?
most of dog lovers ,grew up around dogs,
just be care full, and stay safe
I grew up with plenty of dogs on my Grans farm.. but sadly when I was an adult and had my first son, he is really allergic to dogs, as most animals.. So I cannot put him around any dogs.. I had to give my precious poodle to my best friend.. but the dog is happy anyways cause my friend cant have children and she babies the pup extremely well..
I've volunteered for years at an animal control and hear that all the time. I hate it. I can understand it if the dog is agressive towards the kids and training hasn't worked out. But so many people just give up on their animals. I very much agree with you. I would never give up a pet without a fight. :)
Edit : Alergies is also understandable. I wouldn't want a kid to have to take shots everyday or be sick.
When I was a child every dog we had my parents would 'get rid' of as soon as it became anything they didn't want to deal with, so I was brokenhearted too often. I HATED it. I promised myself I'd never do that to any animal I ever had..and I haven't. I refuse to do that, I don't care what it is, I'll find a way around it. Period.
As case of a really bad example ultimately being a good example.
I remember the dogs I had and lost as a child to this day. So yes I'm like you..I don't forget.
I had a dog when I brought my first child home. When we put the baby in his crib the dog pushed his way into the room and went under the crib. The dog slept there every night the baby did. It made us love him even more.
I'm always amazed at people who think it's an either/or proposition.
My hubby %26 I got a dog when we were first married and he was our "baby". We made sure we socialized him, and played in his food dish and the whole bit. When our first baby came along, he was curious about her. I never had a moments worry (but I also didn't do anything stupid).
We lost him when she was 3 and we got another puppy when our youngest was nearly 2. Those two think they're litter mates. He follows her around like, well, a puppy dog. He's full grown now and we've taken precautions to teach him where he sits in the pecking order (below all the humans in the family).
Oddly enough, many of our friends who jettisoned their dogs now have children who are afraid of dogs. They come to our house and we have the kids playing with our pup within 10 or 15 minutes - it's all in how well the dog is trained and socialized.
I think many people are ignorant to the fact that for some people, until they can have kids, or because they can't, their dogs are like their children. I think the general public underestimates dog lovers and misunderstands us. They think a child will take the place of your dogs, and us dog lovers know, that will never happen. You can always find time for your pups, some people just don't understand that!
My husband and I had two cats and a dog when we had our first daughter. We never had a problem. lol I think my mother in law was more worried about my one male cat because he liked to be near my daughter all the time. Cats steal your breath ya know. : ) Everything worked out fine though and my oldest is going to be a freshman in high school this year. By the way, we still have two cats and one dog. Some things never change. I'm sure you will be fine.
Yes, I worry about the people that give away pets as soon as a child comes into the picture. (Of course, that is how I ended up with a beautiful Siamese.)
Honestly, I don't even want kids. Everything is perfect with my husband and two dogs.why ruin a good thing?
*I'm sure some will with kids will be offended and give me thumbs down.
I personally never had kids but my cousin had a black lab then had a baby. She would have kept the dog but her son ended up being allergic the dog so she had to give him to their neighbor.
I鈥檇 say as long as your dogs are good with kids and your kid does not turn out to be allergic to the dogs, you鈥檒l be just fine with taking care of the dogs and children!!
well I had dogs before kids. My daughters "first" dog we had before she was born has since passed away, but my oldest child is 14 and our oldest dog is 11 1/2. My other two kids are 9 and 10, and my other dog is two. These dogs have been around kids all their lives, and I did not forget the dog after my kids were born. My dogs have never even been tied outside! They live in the house with us. One bit of advice though. You need to teach kids how to respect dogs. My kids know not to tease the dogs, play aggressive, etc. My kids have also always been taught to never approach a dog they don't know, no matter how cute or friendly it may seem. Just a bit of advice.
I am so glad to hear that you are loyal to your friends! There seem to be so few on this site who don't think of dogs as something disposable, fashionable, or money-making.
Unfortunately, the reality you may face when you do have children may casue you to make a different decision. Your child may be violently allergic to dogs. Your dogs may not accept the children and be jealous. There may one day be a fight over a toy that ends badly.
I am sure that you will try to be prepared for any possible scenario, but sometimes, even that doesn't help. I work in rescue, and I have seen so many dogs given up because the children came later and the dog wouldn't behave. It is just a fact of life, and our children are more important. It sounds like you have all your bases covered, so you will probably do just fine.
I respect you for wanting to make sure your dogs are trained properly, and not wanting to give them up. And I am definitely in your corner about this. It would rip my heart out if I had to give up any of my dogs. All of us volunteers are pulling for you!
my other problem is the man who came on asking what to do because his serious girlfriend who he may marry said if the ever moved in together the dog could not be inside- it would have to become an outside dog- after being inside for like 5 years.
We ALL told him to dump the idiotic girlfriend.
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