Sunday, August 2, 2009

For people familiar to Shih Tzus - How do you like the coat best?

Some people like to trim the hair, and others like to keep the hair according to the breed guidelines, which is long and flowing to the ground. I, for one, prefer to trim the hair, not just because it's easier to care for, but also because they just look so much more cuter that way. What do you like and why?
I prefer to keep mine at a puppy cut. I live in Florida and with the heat here, I think a full coat would be too much on them.
i had a shiht-zu, ( did we spell it right?) and i always kept his hair trimmed, becuase in the winter time he got very dirty with the slush. in summer time, he got too hot. i think is always better to trimmed dog's hair for my convenience, and so they get no flees or look dirty.
Most pups that are un-clipped are show takes an extreme amount of time and effort to keep that silky hair from getting tangled and dirty all the time....seems for comfy for the pooch to have it clipped!

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