Sunday, August 2, 2009

For people who are professional at wolf-dog hybrids only please! which is more wolfish!?

which dog is more wolf-like(howls more, moves like a wolf more, moves faster, and is strong, etc.)? alaskan malamute, siberian husky, german shepherds, czechslovian wolfdog, or kunming dog?
and do they sell these in the USA? Minnesota, list all that is sold here in the USA. thanks.
i also would like which one is the most agile.
which one is the most strongest.
which one is the most intelligent.
and what else would i need to know? thanks. i know that these dogs sometime disobey orders and such. thanks.
I rescued a wolf hybrid 13 years vet thinks he's a wolf/husky mix. He is extraordinary in all ways. Healing, wise, smart and calm. My friend has a malamute and it is a nightmare. I think the malamutes are stubborn and VERY strong. Much bigger as well. My vet had told me that one of the reasons he thought my wolf was mixed with husky, rather than malamute was because he was sweet.
Hope that helps.
good luck. They are ALL escape artists, so put up 10 foot fences, double locks on doors and 4 feet underneath the fence-cinder blocks or cement to contain them.
My wolf obeys me at ALL times, even when he wants to kill a small animal (like cats, rats etc.)...because that's his long as I am present he will NOT kill them.
First I highly recommend the books written by Nicole Wilde "living with wolfdogs" and "wolfdogs A-Z"
I think the malamute is more wolfish looking and the strongest.
The german shepard mix is going to be the most intelligent
All of them are going to be extremely agile.
Containment is going to be a huge issue for you also
The anatolian shepard dog, awesome breed, does look similar to a wolf but has alot of the characteristics of the wolf, the turkish people breed them to protect their sheep. They are not supposed to be kept in a family situation as they are very much like a wolf, but have a lovely temperament when they have a "alpha" i.e if you dominate the dog. And are very loyal
A Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is more "wolfish" in appearance %26 behavior, in my opinion. It makes sense, because they have the most recent wolf ancestry. I mean, regular dogs are pretty far removed from wolves. Everything else (most agile, strongest, etc) would depend on the individual animal. (Oh, word of caution: There are a few people around here that claim to have high content wolfdogs. However, they're zero to very low, at best. I expect them to chime in, if they see this question.)
Here's a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog website:

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