Sunday, August 2, 2009

From a fecal sample?

can vets see even tapeworms? i heard they cant
yes, they can theu take the scat apart peice by peice and use a really good magnifying glass to see tape worms and ring worms.
It is extremely hard for tapeworm eggs to be registered through a fecal float. But it is possible. Rare, but possible
Some time you can, depends on the life stage of the parasite. It's difficult because what we are looking for is the egg of the parasite. The different parasite eggs are extremely unique. Like the differece between a car and a truck. Tapeworm eggs are shed in the proglotid ( the little white moving "worm") so we usually don't see them under the microscope.
Fecal samples do not always find evidence of a tapeworm because fecal exams look for the presence of eggs, and tapeworms do not release typical eggs. Tapeworms are easily detected by the owner because you can see the eggsacks come out of the anus. They resemble grains of rice and are able to move. They dry out and look like sesame seeds.
Tapeworms are easily treated with oral medication that works in about 24 hours.
Yes they can. Don't underestimate the power of fecal samples.

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