Friday, May 8, 2009

Dogs face swallon...?

we have and australin shepard mix..adn his face was swallen htis morning when i woke up and it's gotten more swallen since around his eyes and his nose we don't really have money to take him to the vet what do we do?
what do you thank it is?
Use a credit card, make arrangements for payments, borrow the money, sell something. The pet that depends on you for it's health care needs a vet...
Give him a child's dose of benadryl. Could have gotten stung by a bee or scorpion.
you need to take him to the vet because the swelling can interfere with his breathing and the dog can die .
Call your vet, tell them the symptoms, and let them go from there. Perhaps they can figure it out over the phone and give you the medication, saving you from the cost of the vet visit.
But if they determine that you need to bring your dog in, do so. Don't try any home remades such as giving him people medication. This could have adverse effects if not given properly.
I'm sure who ever you talk to at the vet will understand your situation and will try to work with you.
u NEED 2 go 2 the vet this swelling can get worse and soon he may not be able to breath!!!!
does he sleep out side. if so he could have been bitten. look on his face to see if there are any bite marks. If he sleeps inside he could have been bitten by a spider which can do the same thing. You should be able to give him a baby benadryl and that should help with the swelling if he is having an allergic reaction to anything in his food or f he go into anything lat night. You can also see if there is a free pet clinic in your area or a cheap clinic. hope he gets better.
She may have been bitten by a spider , bee or anything. You need to get her to the vet ASAP. Can cause serious breathing problems!
I had a Dobie that loved to catch bees %26 was very allergic. My luck every time I had to take her in to get a shot from the vet was when my vet was closed. Off to the emergency vet we'd go!
Is he an outside dog? If he is could be a snake bite. So may have to go to the vet. If he is outside look for marks on his face they would be at the point that lookes the most swallen. If he is an inside dog and you are sure he did not eat anything that he should not than just call your vet and they will tell you what and how much to give him. Mine does.
If you can not afford a vet, you can not afford a dog. Anyway, either go to a humane society in your area or at least call the vet and ask what you can do. Give the dog some benadryl. Nothing else, most, if not all, other human medications give dogs stomach ulcers. I hope your dog is going to be ok, good luck! Oh, also check for any puncture wounds, it sounds like your dog was either stung by a bee or wasp or something like that, or it got bitten by a snake. Check for any ant piles in your yard, the dog could of been swarmed by ants.
I would call the vet and ask what they can recommend for you to do at home rather than bringing him in just yet if you're in a bind. He probably got stung by a bee or bitten by a spider, this has happened to a few of my dogs over the years. We treated at home with Benadryl.
my brother is a vet.he said it might pink eye and if it is,the dog needs to go to the vet,will need anti biotic

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