Friday, May 8, 2009

Dogs in Captivity?

Someone on here keeps talking about keeping dogs in captivity. How does everyone feel about this? How would your dog do in the wild?
My dog could probably catch his own food, but might easily get hit by cars if he was anywhere developed as he has a one track-mind- squirrels! bunnies! He also is a bit of a wimp and gets dominated by every dog in the dog park. This could mean death in the wild.
I believe the dog is now a domesticated animal and most could not survive in the wild. Anyone else's opinions? I would particulary like scubapair's opinion and an explanation of why he feels that way.
Releasing domesticated animals back into the wild is like clipping a bird's wings and then expecting it to fly. Much of the natural instinct is taken away from them in the process of domestication leaving them unable to fend for themselves. Most dogs lack the ability to effectively hunt due to the fact that they have never had to develop that skill and now it would be hard for them to do so quickly enough to avoid starvation. Also, they are used to being social with humans and I believe that to just rip them out of that environment that they are used to would be more than cruel.
The typical domesticated dog has not been forced to develop the skills required to live in the wild %26 likely would not survive. Those that do would struggle for a long time. Dogs that spend more time outside ( farmdogs and such ) would find it easier if they were suddenly forced to fend for themselves.
i agree. even if a dog could fend for itself it no longer has the natural defenses against certain illnesses and weather as do its wild cousins.
My dog would most definitely get hit by a car. He thinks he can go whereever he pleases. While I have had MANY conversations with him about looking both ways before he crosses the street, he never does, which is why I also explain to him, that I am leading on the walk - because if he was, I'd be dead. I also inform him this is why he's not a service dog. By now he would have killed himself and his poor blind owner.
Silly dog. Look both ways!!
Alas, my dog probably wouldn't be able to find food. My dog is extremely pack oriented and honestly would just try and find a human friend. He might not like them very much, but - typical male that he is - he'd find a female, use her for food and love, and then move on.
Wow - have I anthropomorphized my dog enough ;)
ha ha - my dog wouldn't make it. He's got no skill.

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