Friday, May 21, 2010

German Sheppard owners, does your female dog pee everytime you pet her? I know it sounds stupid?

but it is a real question. All three of our Sheppards have done it but not our other dogs, help please!!
It sounds as if your female is suffering from submissive urination. It's not confined to one breed, any dog breed can have it. It's usually a sign of nervousness or timidity, if all your shepherds have been related it may be a genetic tendency towards being nervous that causes it. If they're not, it's probably just a co-incidence!
She's doing this because she's trying to show you that she knows you're superior and in charge, she can't help it as it's a reflexive action. If you get upset or mad at her she'll just do it more as she will know you're angry with her but won't know why, so her answer is to be even more submissive!
Try to ignore it, and when you pet her do it calmly and quietly to keep her excitement level down. If she tends to do it when she sees you after work or when you've been away all day, keep your homecomings low key. Don't greet her excitedly and loudly as soon as you come in. Instead ignore her a little for a few minutes to take the edge off her excitement, then pet her quietly.
Sometimes a dog will grow out of this by herself. Other times you need to help her feel more confident. German Shepherds are very intelligent dogs, perhaps an obedience class or something similar where she can work with you and learn and get praise would help her feel less nervous. Also make sure she gets out and has some socialization experience, and plenty of exercise. It keeps her from becoming a little neurotic from being home all the time, and exercise helps her to relax a little.
Above all be patient with her, she's trying to please you that's all! Good luck.
It sounds like an anxiety issue. Our dog does it whenever someone new pets her.
My female rottie mix does it when a male pets her. She is timid of men.
I don't have female dog, your German Sheppard should not pee when you are petting her, you should have her too be checked out by a vet and ask them. I don't think you should be worried.
Urination is not a breed specific issue, but some breeds do seem to be more prone to it. There are three possible causes. One is that the dog is just a nervous individual. Just like some people pee when they are scared or nervous, some dogs do. Another possible explanation is submissive urination. In the wild, wolves and dogs frequently urinate in the presence of a dominant animal in the pack to show submissiveness. You are the alpha in the family pack, so the dog could be urinating to show you she (or he) recognizes you as dominant. Lastly, there could be a urinary tract infection. Mention it to your vet on your next visit so he can eliminate that possibility. If it is one of the first two reasons, you might try ignoring the dog when you first come home, come into the room, or wake up in the mornings. Give her about 3 to 5 minutes before you pay attention to her so she has time to calm down.
This is called "Submissive urination" and the poor dog can't help it. Do a Google search for that term to get some help.

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