Friday, May 21, 2010

Golden retriver question?

does anyone know a website where i can look at shaved golden retriver pic.... many golden retrivers that i see have there hair shaved and i was going to do that mine because it has been so hot
Rather than shaving the hair, invest in a Mars Coat King'll thin out the hair, and help remove the dead hair, without taking off too much.
There's no need to shave your dog. The coat insulates cold and heat.
A well groomed dog would be just as comfortable or uncomfortable as a person on a hot or cold day.
It's really not necessary for you to shave your dog due to heat- their coat acts as an insulator. To keep your dog cool, give him plenty of fresh cool water, and you can also buy a cooling pad at the pet store and put it on his bed or in his doghouse. Make sure he has shade to hang out in when he's outside, and bring him inside on really hot days.
If you really do want to shave him, just be aware that sometimes their coats don't grow back in exactly the way it was before- it can be patchy and uneven.
I do a fair number of these by request. You don't need to do it for the heat, but a fair number of goldens around here have skin problems and get hot spots so the owners find it easier to shave them down.
I usually use a #4 blade on the body and a #1 or 0 clipper comb on the tail, with a # 7 on the ears. This way the dog ends up looking pretty much like a yellow labrador.
Don't do it! It's not good to shave them. Their fur not only helps keep them warm but it also helps keep them cool. I know it sounds crazy but it's true.
Also shaving them will make them much more susceptible to sunburn and skin irritations because their natural skin oils will dry out.
There are several things you can do to make them more comfortable. Spray them down with the hose or take them swimming.
Go to Wal-Mart and get him/her a ten dollar plastic pool.
That's how I keep my two Goldens cool and I would strongly recommend against shaving a Golden for any reason other than surgery.
To help with the heat you can also try to brush out as much of your dog's undercoat as possible.
They don't really need to be shaved, unless your dog has a really bad time coping or has skin problems.
omg u r crazy! y on earth would u want to shave ur poor dogs fur off??!!? your dog wouldnt shave ur head off! keep your dog indoors, and if its too hot, get an AC!
PLEASE DON'T SHAVE THOSE GOLDEN LOCKS! I have 2 goldens and would never think to do such a thing. They've shed their winter coat and if you've groomed them well they don't have an undercoat either. The coat they have protects their skin from elements like the hot sun.

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