Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Pyrs??

What's the earliest age a great pyr's protective and gaurdian instincts start to kick in? puppyhood? Adolesence? adult?? what age??
My girl is an Anatolian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix, but both are livestock guardian dogs. As a puppy when things changed suddenly or were not where they always had been previously she would growl at them in their new spot. However, I would say her protective, patrolling, guarding me instincts didn't really come out full force until about 18 months old. That is when she really started the standoffish behavior with people that I had obvious animosity for, when she started guarding me and blocking people from coming near me when I didn't feel well and patrolling the house and "making the rounds" to make sure everything was okay. She may show some instincts as a youngster but I wouldn't expect anything more than a growl until at least 1 year. I would stress that Pyrs CAN become overly aggressive if proper and extensive socialization isn't utilized. Since they would be on the list of banned breeds if we had breed specific legislation, please make sure you socialize your dog enough so that he/she knows what is normal behavior from people and what people are looking for trouble.
They should kick in round puppyhood but some can be a bit late give him or her till about one and half and u should have a good dog!!
as a puppy, my panda bear (border collie/pyrenese) i noticed at twice the size of a cat (cant remember the age), he had the instinct while i was walking him, and he started barking at my brother walking twords me about 70 yards away. it was weird because this cute little puppy had the bark of a 100lb dog.
he is the sweetest dog ever, and is extremly beautiful, but he scares my friends because he always has to sniff them first, and if they are too far away he lets out his killer bark, but he could never hurt a fly.

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