Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting a new dog: HELP!?

I'm thinking about getting a toy/teacup poodle this month. Is there anything important I should know. What should I train him to do (for example, going to the bathroom outisde). Best answer gets 10 points.
-As for potty training, just be consistent and make up a routine (take it out every 20 mins and gradually , as it gets older, it will need less and less breaks
-You should definetly teach it to sit on command and make up a hand signal for it so you don't actually have to Say "SIT"(depending on where you are, etc...)
- Never let it pull You on walks, because it will think it's alpha (make it walk beside you but let the leash out further if it wants to investigate something)
-Just for fun you could teach it to jump, roll over, give hi 5's, maybe do a hand stand on the palm of your hand ,( who knows? )
The one thing you have to remeber is that small dags have small bladders and it takes a lot more time to house train a little one. if you remember that and get it outside often you should be fine.
poodles are great with agility. really. i have a medium sized poodle and i taught her how to jump, and i keeps us both entertained lol. u can also train her the main things, say, how to sit, how to lay down, how to give the paw..etc.. poodles are incredibly intelligent dogs who learn quickly if you do not train them with rough commands.( and their very good companions.)
Get it a litterbox. They do have ones for dogs.
Buy the scoopable litter, and sure, it will be a
little of hard work, but worth it!!
Also, ask your local vet if they know

Hope this helps!!!!
Take him outside about every hour or two. Also you can buy pads that smell like grass to put in your house. That helps my neighbor used it to train his dog. You should also have it around people a lot when he is a puppy so he gets used to people.
Yes, training it to go to the door when it has to go out and to use an inside voice when it wants to bark. Small dogs have high pitched barks that really can get on your nerves or at least they do me.
i think you should definetly train her to use the bathroom outside cause inside is not so good. make sure she knows tricks like sit, down so whenever she is going crazy and is hipper running around the house you should say SIT!! and she'l do it right away if you teach her but teach her with treats first, then when she gets used to it without treats and with. di that answer your question?
Poodles love affection and are good doorbells (they'll yap if strangers come
That also means they will grow to be a nuisence if not trained or disciplined well
You'll need to show him/her alot of love and attention,and yes ,alittle dog has a little bladder, I would reccomend you take outside every 20 minutes, whether they have to go potty or not, This way, they get used to going outside alot,and in time will learn what for. But for the most part, just show'em some love and play time. The more they like their owner's, the greater the odd's of having a well trained puppy.
Before you get the dog, you need to educate yourself on training the dog, and what the dog needs. Get a book on canine behavore and training and read the entire thing before you get the dog. The ONLY reason dogs have problems is because of irresponsible humans not fulfilling thier needs. If you do this simple task, it will make your dogs and your life so much better, but if you won't do this you should probably get a stuffed animal.

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