Monday, May 24, 2010

Greyhound/lab mix dog frustrating me?

Ok I have an almost 1 year old greyhound lab mix dog. He has a nice backyard that he can run around in and another dog to keep him busy. But I come home from work to find he has dug 3 holes in my backyard and my sandles chewed up. We often put him on a lead but he still digs. He has balls, rope and a bone to chew on. I need help. any suggestions?
Watch the "dog whisperer" on cable. He deals with dogs like yours everyday. It sounds like he's got too much energy and needs a LOOONG walk to tire him out. (Keep in mind, he's a Greyhound, they're bred to run) Good Luck!
Do you walk him/run him? or just keep him in the back yard?
I would get a chain link kennel for him so he doesn't destroy the yard or eat something that will kill him, like a eye loop from a shoe. They sell some nice kennels online at 5x5 with an available sunshade sold separately will cost about 200 with shipping, but hey, that is alot less than surgery to remove a foreign object from his stomach. He is still a puppy and will continue to do this to amuse himself, crates and kennels are to keep your dogs safe while you are not there to supervise, not to jail them if anyone is thinking that...
It's sounds as though he's bored and frustrated. Digging is a natural dog activity and so is chewing and he's still just a pup, so this is pretty normal behavior.
There's a saying that 'a tired puppy is a good puppy', and it's very true! A biggish dog with the mixture of breeds you have, especially when a puppy or adolescent, needs regular, vigorous exercise. Generally dogs don't play much by themselves (even if there are two or more, as it's not that much fun!) even though when they have toys. A long, brisk walk or a run in the park and a game of frisbee or fetch will work wonders.
He may also be missing human company if he spends a lot of time outdoors with just another canine companion. Even an hour spent with you, when he gets some one-on-one time and attention and loving will settle him down some.
As he matures the chewing will become less, but the digging may still be an issue. If it's just the dogs out in the yard all day it's pretty hard to stop them digging if they want to. But if you exercise him properly, give him daily love and attention and some games etc. to occupy his mind you'll be moving in the right direction.
good luck!
I think the Labrador is coming out in your dog. They are known for their hole digging expertise. It's a hard habit to stop. Exercise %26 training will help - your dog needs to keep his mind active as well as his body, and at this age, he has LOADS of energy. Contrary to common opinion, greyhounds are not all that energetic generally, but Labradors are, so it's most probably this part of him that's going to demand your time. Don't think that putting a dog in a big yard is enough for him to burn off his energy. Most dogs will not run around on their own when you aren't there. They need motivation, in the form of games or walking/running the dog at the park or around the neighbourhood. He also needs outside stimulation to keep his mind from getting too bored.
One thing I found that can stop a dog digging in an exisiting hole, is to put the dog's droppings into it. They will not dig into it. Place the droppings in with a very thin covering of soil so it's still visible, but only just. This will guard against the dog eating it if he is so inclined.
Good luck with this. It generally passes with age, but for the next year or two you may have to try some different ways of avoiding this. Don't punish him if you find a hole. There's no point unless he's actually digging when you catch him.
Dont keep him outside... During that time dogs usually go through their "teen age" days where they rebel. if thats not the case.. you should keep it inside

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