Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Electric Fences...?

Can anyone recommend an electric fence that only makes a noise in the dog's ear without static shocking them?
WORD OF CAUTION: I had two precious White German Shepherd dogs who were murdered after they broke thru my underground electric fence, ending in my neighbor's yard, who viciously shot them both and then lied to me about it when I was looking for them (which was immediately). My dogs chased an animal out of my yard. When a dog sees an animal, their adrenalin makes them not care if they get shocked, let alone hearing a noise. Do what you want, but I don't recommend them. I now have more than an acre of my land fenced in with chain link, 6 foot fencing.
No I recommend the works. Yelling a your dog makes a noise in your dog's ear doesn't do any good. A little shock is less cruel than allowing your pouch to be mowed down by a semi right?
Ever hear of CHAIN LINK FENCE?
if you spend the money for an electric fence.. just get a real one. they dont really work all that well and are only used for training a dog to stay in your yard, not keep them in there like a fence fence.
Invisible Fence or similar products can be effective when used correctly. You do have to spend time training your dog and keep up on the battery replacements and collar maintenance to use them properly.
What I don’t like about this fencing system is the ability of other dogs, children, cats, delivery vehicles and more to come into your yard and your own dogs are not “protected” from them.
Here’s a link to Invisible Fence’s web site so you can learn more about the systems.
We are using a radio transmitter fence (not the kind you bury to create a perimeter) very successfully. We can change the settings on the collars to "sound only". The brand is something like PetSafe and found at the large chain pet stores. The dogs relate the audio warning to the next electric correction and do not leave the safe zone for anything. Not food, not even chasing a squirrel! I didn't want to use something that would injure my pets, so I let myself get shocked...not fun, but not traumatic.
Food for thought. Just remember with these fences, your dogs will stay in the fenced area. However, other animals can get in and they can't escape. This can be unsafe for your dog. Be cautious

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