Friday, July 31, 2009

Female dog that lifts her leg to pee -?

.. i have a female american bulldog - she sniffs aorund the yard where the other dogs have gone to the restroom ( boys n girls ) and then will often lift her leg to pee - in the middle of the yard she will normally just squat - but if she smells pee on the side of a bush or in one case the shed - she lifed her leg n peed - she does this constantly anyone else ever see a female do this ? and reason she does this ? only thing i can think of is she marking territory - but the leg lifting is still weird -
Yep, she's asserting her dominance over the other dogs that have been there. I have a female redbone coonhound that does the same thing. My friend has a little rat terrier that does it too. (kinda funny to watch her try to mark way up a tree a bigger dog has gone on.)
Alpha female.. They do it... She'll mark the other dog's pee with her own..
My dog does it sometimes when we are in another dog's yard, she will lift her leg and pee to mark territory. And I have seen a few other female dogs who lift their leg to be all the time.
she may have been exposed to this young and it imprinted in her head..or she obviously doesn't like other dogs and doesn't want them in her yard.
well maybe she was trying to actually pee on the bush and your shed so that it would actually hit it. i wouldnt worry though because i have a male dog and he squats to pee..its kind of wierd but it doesnt hurt anybody so oh well! :)
It's a dominace thing. Some female dogs will lift their leg to mark there territory many dogs that feel they are the dominate one of the area.
Yes, she's marking her territory. Dogs lift their legs to get the pee up higher on whatever they're peeing on. It helps other dogs smell it better, etc. It's unusual, because mostly boys do this, but it's possible she just wants to let everyone know she's around.
I have! I own a miniature chihuahua and she goes aroung trying to mark her territory after my daughter comes with her dog/dogs.
She also lifts her leg to pee. I think Angel does this so she does not get any on her! lol
Very odd behavior for female dogs!
pack leader
One of our female bichons will lift her leg to pee, but only when she is in heat, the rest of the time she will squat.

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