Friday, July 31, 2009

Female or Male Shitzu is the best to have?

Female! no leg lifter.better open personality.
FEMALE they are much more well behaved and more chill i have one myself i love her
i have a female shih tzu i just like females all around they dotn hump and there calmer but very playful
female [=
Female shitzu is better to have.
my neighbor had a female shih tzu and she was playful, loving and sweet . one of my best friends has a male shih tzu and he too is a great dog so i think it depends on the up bringing.

Male dogs tend to be "lovable slobs" and "good ol' boys."
Male dogs tend to be more outgoing, more vigorously affectionate, more "in your face."
Male dogs tend to be more stable and reliable in mood, less prone to emotional swings.
Male dogs tend to be clumsy and silly and prone to acting like oversized kids.
Male dogs mean well and are easy to love.
On the negative side:

Male dogs are more apt to test their owners and engage in dominance struggles, especially during the hormonal adolescent months, which can last a long time -- from about six months old all the way up to two or three years old in larger breeds.
Male dogs have obvious genitals, which can make for embarrassing moments if they become aroused or decide to lick themselves when Grandma is visiting. Some males are enthusiastic humpers who will mount stuffed toys, other dogs, sometimes people's legs.
Most male dogs lift their leg to urinate -- a consideration if you have expensive shrubbery or lawn ornaments. Some males are territorial markers who spray urine on every vertical object (ranging from telephone poles to blades of grass) to mark it with their scent.

Let's look at female dogs


Female dogs tend to be more subtle than males. They're affectionate on their own terms. They'll request or demand petting, then reassert their independence by walking away when they've had enough.
Female dogs tend to be quicker to learn and are not as easily distracted during training sessions.
Female dogs are less likely to be openly defiant or to engage in blunt power struggles or dominance challenges -- yet they can be clever, passively resistant, and manipulative about getting their own way.
Female dogs are prone to mood swings and emotional theatrics. They can be sweet one day (or one hour!) and grumpy the next.
Female dogs are experts at The Dirty Look and The Sulk.

In some breeds, and certainly in many individuals, these generalizations do not hold, and indeed, may be reversed!

Other male-female considerations

Some breeders extol the virtues of males without mentioning the negatives. Keep in mind that breeders prefer to keep females for their breeding program. They may push their male pups because that's who they need to place.
When trying to choose, consider the other dogs in your household. Certain breeds should never be kept with another dog of the same sex.
Consider the other dogs in your neighborhoood. If there's a resident bully who roams free, you'd be wise not to get the same sex, else your daily walks may become stressful. Similarly, if your next-door neighbor has an aggressive dog, perhaps you should get the opposite sex to avoid fence-fighting.
Well, for me, it's Female Shih Tzu. My little dog has brought so much joy into my life! I've had her for nearly 12 years. I love her so much. The only positive in my life has been my dog.
It depends on your own taste. Take on count that by nature males may tend to be a bit more energetic than females, but on the other hand you could get a rambuctious female.
For example, females tend to kid of get into a sitting position to do bathroom, but males get their hind leg up.
Then, females and males are both able to be really well behaved. You could get a silent female or a silent male. The gender doesn't matters on their personalities. You could get a shy and easy going male, while you can find also a disastrous female that loves to destroy things.
You decide, but make sure that you know the pup or dog before getting it, because they will difer a lot in their behaviour between the 2 weeks old and 2 months.
Good luck!
Unless you are adopting, get a male. The females cost more and you will just have to spay her. The males cost less and there are more of them that can't find homes. You should get a male. Their coats are prettier.
male. they are more loving

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