Thursday, July 30, 2009

Every when do you shower your dog?

i have a rot thats an outside dog and i was wondering every when do you bath your outside dog
it's recommended to not bathe more than once every two weeks as their hair can be stripped of the natural oils. if you wish to bathe more often than that, use a moisturizing shampoo like an oatmeal based shampoo. some people don't even bathe their dogs that often at all... sometimes just once a year.
i have a rottie and, well because i groom dogs, i bathe him about once a month to every two months. with the short hair, he doesn't get too dirty but he's also an inside dog.
You can do every other week or at minimum once a month
It depends on the dog. Some people never bathe them or do it once a year. Others do it every week. See how long he goes before he stinks.
i do only when it iz dirty.maybe once a week. and every day a good wipe down or something
I bathe my dog once every 2 or 3 weeks. Depends on the dog i guess, some dogs get dirtier than others. The ones with long hair need bathing more often than their short haired counterparts.
Usually once a month. But if he's an outside dog 24/7 then twice a year would work as well. I don't know if you and your dog are active together or he's all alone ?
my show dogs get a bath at least once a week.
that depends on you and how dirty the dog gets but no more tahn once a month or the skin gets dry and you end up with dandruff and sometimes skin problems
i think u should do it about once a week and it won't rot.

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