Friday, July 31, 2009

Fever & dogs ? ways to tell ?? Post operation?

My dog had an operation 2 days ago for a torn rear ligiment %26 was sent home -- Hes doing great except today he seems to be shaking/ shivering - not constantly on %26 off ...are there any ways to tell if a dog has a temperature / fever other that the back door thermometer test the vets usually do ? I have no problem taking him in if he seems un comfortable - but before I drive him over an 1.5 hours car ride to discover hes also a drama queen I'm trying to disquingsh between the two. Any positive input would be appreciated thank you
Shivering is a sign of fever.
Take his temp... yes, back door . normal is 101.5, min is 99.5.. if it is high call your vet w/ the readings. This will save you that 1.5 hr drive, and you will have the answers to his temp when you call and share your concerns w/ the vet too.
Check for any foul smells from the SX site too... this can be signs of infections.
I wish you a quick recovery for your doggie!
The shaking and shivering are more indicative of pain than fever. Call the vet ASAP- there may be complications or you may need pain meds for the dog.
Dogs aren't drama queens - in fact they try and hide pain if they can. He's hurting bad.
You paid for the cruciate surgery... Why would you risk it now by thinking he is being a drama queen?
Take him in or at least call the vet and ask him if this is something you should be seeing... or worried about.
Does he seem warm to the touch??
You can easily take his temp with a household thermometer.
Make sure you use vasaline and insert into his bum about a half an inch. Normal temp is 101-102.
If higher I would definatly rush him off to the Vet.
Shaking and shivering can be related to pain or temp or both.
Good luck!
If you don't want to take him in yet, at least phone the vet and describe his symptoms and see what they think. However, if he's shaking, it's likely because he's in pain. (Taking a dog's temperature really isn't a big deal, at least you'd know for sure.)
And if he's in pain, I'd still be wanting to know what the vet recommended.
Unfortunately no there isn't but if he is shaking I would be concerned. Has he moved at all since the surgery. I know the anisthetics prevent a dog from regulating it's body heat and the shiver for a few hours but not two days later. I would definetly call the vet.
normal tempature is 100-102 if higher take to Vet

maybe shacking cuz of pain VETS dont like to give Medication for pain

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