Thursday, July 30, 2009

English bulldog?

i need to find one for my boyfriend asap !
but im not paying tons for it.
anybody know of any?
i live in North Carolina by the way =)
Wow, you can look up english bulldog rescue shelters in your area. They usually have a few if you're lucky, but if you're looking for a puppy, it might be harder. My boyfriend once picked up an English bulldog that got loose around the neighborhood. He was stinky!! We gave him back.
You should try to study more about that breed if you're serious, b/c as they grow old, they are very prone to hip/joint problems, and breathing. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into. Good luck.
If you aren't willing to pay a lot, then your only option is to adopt from a rescue or shelter. Puppies are not cheap.
They go about 1500.00 here in PA
they are very pricy
You picked the wrong breed to want for cheap. The cheapest I've seen them is 1200.00 and that was from a crappy backyard breeder.
First off, everyone and their mom wants an english bulldog. They are a fortune, and if you don't pay a fortune, then you don't get a satisfactory dog, and even then its a little iffy. I would recommend really talking to your boyfriend and if you guys decide you really do want a dog, research it from there. English bulldogs have alot of health problems and they end up being wayyyyy more after you purchase them. For example, I really wanted an english bulldog, just like everyone else, but I took the time to research, and I ended up getting a mix. Please don't buy because of the label. Of course they are adorable and by far one of the cutest breeds, but think about whats best for you.
There is no such thing as "Need to find one for my boyfriend" when it comes to a living animal. You need to slow down, make a careful decision.
English bulldogs can be extremely expensive but I checked and found 5 right in my area. But your comment about "not paying tons for it" isn't a good sign. Are you prepared to take care of this dog if your boyfriend doesn't want it? Did you ask him if he wants it?
EBD have a lot of health concerns if their breeding is off, and one of them is that they can't be born naturally because of the big heads that have been bred onto the poor things. They can also have sinus problems and joint problems, so just be aware and do your homework.
Not a lot of money and Bulldog do not go together. You may want to try a Bulldog rescue or try Don't forget that once you have a Bulldog you need money to keep them up. This is why they are called a rich-man's dog, they are called that for a reason. Sorry to be a downer, but you need to know. all the best;~)
first unless your boyfriend is ready for a dog, financially and time wise and commitment wise a dog for a gift is never a good idea. make sure he knows what he's getting with this breed. they can be very expensive dog's to own. they have many many many medical issues, from special diets, to bloat, to gastric torsion, eye, hip, elbow and skin problems. they are a breed that could not still exist without human intervention. they are great dogs but make sure you know what you're getting. this is why they are so expensive. often the female has to be AI'd and the pups are born c-section. plus rescue's will need to know you can financially support the ongoing medical needs of this dog. if you are prepared and so is your boyfriend, the least expensive is going to be from a rescue, and they can let you know the temperment and any known medical issues the dog may have.
Good Luck! I have been searching and searching and can't find one for under 1200.00 from a reputable breeder. Also, be sure that you're ready for the responsibility because English Bullys require a lot of vet visits as they suffer from lots of health issues. Talk it over with your boyfriend and make sure that this is the breed of dog that he really wants.
I suggest you adopt so you know something about what your getting. Be VERY, VERY careful as this breed is being importing by the tons right now and many of these imports have countless health problems! Very sad! IF you find 1 from a breeder , I can not stress this enough be sure the parents are on premise. You will pay a fortune either way. Start by contacting your local bulldog club you can find that info at the AKC website. Once in a while you might catch 1 at a shelter check petfinder and petfinder classifieds. This is really something you will have to do with your boyfriend b/c even rescues and shelters usually wont let you adopt for someone else. And if the dog is for him he should really feel that special connection anyway. I dont htink I would want someone to give me a dog, I like the dog to find me, personally.
There is no such thing as a "cheap" English Bulldog! Here in Michigan they run between $1500 and $2500! You could try the pound or the Humane Society, but it would be very unusual to find one there, I think.

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