Thursday, July 30, 2009

Experienced dog owners...question?

I am going to be moving back to school and have two small dogs with me and two roommates. My dogs are excellent about going in their crates while I am gone and not making a peep while others are in the house. One of my roommates offered to help take them out a few days a week because she said she has no class except for Tuesdays and Thursdays. The only thing is.I don't want them to cry each time someone comes into the door. I want them to think that well, if my mom isn't coming to get me then I will just sleep until she comes home. I am afraid that if my other roommate starts helping they will get used to that and start to whine/cry once they are crated and she is still in the apartment. I apologize if this makes no sense, but I have worked very hard to have my dogs not cry or whine while people are home and I am not. They won't be alone for more than 6 hours at a time. Am I just worried for no reason or should I allow her to help?
If your roommate uses the same corrections you already have established it may be OK. If the dogs need her then I would give it a try but if they are just fine the way they are, then I would leave it that way.
Just tell her that you have worked really hard on training them %26 what your fears are.
It is best not to change something that already works. Unless, again, you need her help.
discuss it with your friend if it's an issue. i'm sure she will understand and that she doesn't want to hear yowling and whining either?
take care.
If someone responsible offered to take my dogs out of the cage and get them some much-needed exercise, I'd be ecstatic for the dogs sake! If they're really trained to be quiet in their crates until someone lets them out - they'll still be quiet until someone lets them out. It doesn't really matter who it is, does it? The point is, you want them to be quiet until they're let out.
they will not divorce you do not worry
I think it is so sad that you would even want dogs. You have no time for them. You stated that they won't be alone for more than 6 hours at a sad! How would you like to be locked in a closet for no more than 6 hours at a time. Give them to somebody who cares about them and has time. You do not need to be a pet owner.
take the offer they dont need to be locked in a crate all day
In my opinion 6 hours in a crate is a long time.
You say small dogs, they don't have large bladders anyway so how can you expect them to wait even 6 hours to go to the bathroom?
I mean my dogs can't wait six hours nor do I ever expect them to wait that long.
I would let your roomate take them out and let them get exercise, potty, and get some playtime.
It should be ok, to have your roommate help you out. The most important thing is that she should watch you interacting with your dogs and learn exactly how to let them out of their crates without making them think that "out" is way better than "in" therefore causing them to protest being "in."
It sounds like you have them well trained so, just teach your roommate what to do and the dogs will remain well-trained.
P.S. Others have criticized you for keeping your dogs in crates for 6 hours at a time. Don't take it to heart. Most dogs just sleep while their owners are gone anyway, so being in the crate while you are not at home is not a punishment. Some also said that it was unreasonable for you to expect the dogs to "hold it" for 6 hours at a time. Again, don't worry about dog is only 6 months old and has no problem holding it for 6-8 hours at a time.
I think that your roommate should be fine letting them out. If she is responsible. As far as taking good care of your dogs, it sounds like you are doing a fine job. Do not listen to the people saying 6 hours is a long time for them! As long as they are properly exercised, they will be fine. Dogs do not see their kennels as a "closet". They see them as a comfortable, safe place much like we see our bedrooms.

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