Thursday, July 30, 2009

English Bull Terrier help?

I have been use to boxers in the past but since mine died several months been trying to decide whether to get another or opt for another breed. I like the look of EBT and have reading up what I can, what bothers me is the dog out generally in the park and what experiances from other owners. With my boxers both were fully trained the male I could never let off the lead as he would run around for ages and never come back, the female though would hardly leave my side and always came back if called. I wanted to know is this possible with EBT either male or female?, and just wanted some general advice, I am at home all day and just like the boxers they seem to have laods of energy. The main reason for changing breeds is that I have lost 3 boxers now longing living 8 years they really do seem to get ill easily or I have just been a little unlucky, thanks
For informed opinion, always go to the breed club for advice. Here's a couple of sites that might help you:
No breeder can ever guarantee good health for a puppy, but to increase your chances of buying a healthy puppy with a good temperament, do plenty of research and buy from an experienced knowledgeable breeder - the clubs should be able to put you in touch with such breeders.
Hello, here is a site that will give you plenty of information on temperment, living conditions, grooming, and good stuff like that.
I hope you enjoy you EBT, have fun!
As you already know females are more obeidient cause they get atached more than males .
I was a previous owner of a male Bull Terrier and he was wonderful. He was born deaf, so I had to use hand signals. Of course you know puppies are always a handfull, but he was easy to train despite his deafness. One problem I did have at times, was that we had a male Westie and sometimes they would get into it...( He had a very hard head %26 strong jaws) I don't advise having the 2 males together.
When he got older he found the sofa to be his domain! And also thought he was a lap dog...He was able to keep up with the Westies energy wise but also liked his down time.
We had belonged to a BT club so that was also helpful. Perhaps there is a local group/or rescue in your area to answer any more questions. I would have loved another Bully, but finances did not permit. I was fortunate to get my little Boston at a good price and I'm glad I did. I'm learning about a whole new breed!! :D I believe Baxter is still living the good life and he is way over 10yrs old. I was divorced and he went with the ex. :( to the foothills of MO. Good Luck!
ebts are a great dog similar to staffs but a bit thick at the end of the day its a bull terrier and that brings its own problem's?
i rescued a staff which was baited, he was abit of a nut bar now he is great, when it comes to any bull terrier its down to the owner to be responsible. my next dog will be a ebt.
i think they live 10 to 14.
good luck

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