Friday, July 31, 2009

Fleas on dog and in the house. Help !?

This is the first time we have had fleas in the house .
Has anyone heard of usin Skin So Soft in the dogs rinse water ?
Shall I use salt on the carpet ? Thanks
get rid of the dog , spray the house , get a goldfish for a pet
Well what you can do to control and keep fleas and ticks on a minimal, you should clean your household furnitures, floors, and your and your pet's beddings/toys everyday. Usually ticks and fleas lay eggs in between furnitures, cushions, carpets and etc and by vacuuming it, it will get rid of as much eggs as possible. Eliminating the chances of them hatching and jumping back on your pets or migrating to a different area of the house. So clean, sweep, vacuum. Do what you have to do to keep your house and the environment clean for you and your pets !
Also, there is a spray for rid fleas and ticks that are made from ALL natural ingredients called Sentry Natural Defense. I gave you a website regarding all info about that product. Hope you'll find one that works for you. Good luck !
First let me tell you that I own a pest control company and what I will recommend is the complete treatment that should help you completely get rid of the fleas.
First, treat the pet with Capstar. This is a pill that you get from the vet that will kill all of the fleas that get on the animal for the first 24 hours. Second, use either Frontline or Advantage, these can also be purchased from the vet. Frontline can be used on pets 12 weeks old or older. Advantage can be used on animals as young as 6 weeks. If the pet is old enough for either product, switch back and forth between the two. One month use one, the next use the other. The reason I recommend this is that there are two main types of fleas that infest pets. One product works better on the first type and the other product works better on the second type. By using both, you make sure you have covered all your bases.
Once the pet has been treated, you must treat your home and yard. The best products to do this would include not only a killing agent, but also a sterilization agent. Inside, I would use Ultracide, if you can get it. (Many on line sites sell it.) Follow the instructions on the label! Wash all animal鈥檚 bedding and vacuum frequently. I WOULD NOT put any chemical in the vacuum bag or catch container, other than a flea collar. It is too dangerous to risk the vacuum accidentally spreading that chemical through the air. Throw out the vacuum bag or dump the catch container after every vacuuming. You can never vacuum too much! DO NOT STEAM CLEAN YOUR RUGS! This can hatch flea eggs and make your problem worse.
Outside I would use Demon WP mixed with Gentrol or Nylar, carefully following label instructions. Treat the entire yard, paying special attention to under bushes and low hanging branches. Most of these products can be bought at any Do-It-Yourself Pest Control company either on line or in a store.
Treating your house and yard is just as important as treating the pet!
It is also very important to stay away from the grocery store or box store products like Zodiac or Hartz. Many of these products can cause severe allergic reactions in animals.
Frontline your dog %26 flea bomb your house. Also if you vaccum your carpets on a regular basis it helps keep the fleas away.

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