Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eskimo & Rat Terrier mix?

my dog is a rat terrier eskimo mix. I was wondering if Eskimos
are a kind of tempermental dog.
The American Eskimo is a charming, affectionate and loving dog. Hardy and playful, they are excellent with children. Highly intelligent and willing to please. Alert and easy to train, the American Eskimo often ranks among the top scorers in obedience trials. Some individuals have a willful streak, but most like to work. Like all dog they do need to be socialize with other dogs and people. They won't let a stranger in the house in less the owner says it's ok.
i had one he was ameriman eskimo ? mix he was so sweet but i had to give him away cause my dad found out about him

1 comment:

  1. I grew up with an American Eskimo, and I now have an American Esky / Rat Terrier mix. They aren't temperamental, but they demand respect. I've seen both dogs snap at someone who hasn't earned their trust yet. Both of them were/are not fans of children. So from my experience, I warn parents with kids not to just romp on the dog. The dog will get angry. So not temperamental, just, needs anyone to gain their trust.
