Thursday, July 30, 2009

Excited Pee~er!?

One of my dogs is a little over a year old %26 since he was little he will get excited %26 pee all over the place! How can I break this? I've ignored him, I've tried to be calm in dealing with him, but he still does it. Even If I reach down to pet him, he'll pee! Most of the time not always, so its hard to tell when it'll happen. Why is he so excited? Nobody can visit without him greeting them with a little piss. :(
Some young dogs just can't control their bladder when they get excited.
When you come home do not even look at your dog for the first 10 minutes. This should get him to calm down a little. Then in a very calm manner pet him a little. Don't say anything because this could excite him. Tell your friends to ignore your dog until he is very calm.
When he is calm sit on the floor and let him come up to you, but ignore him completely until he is calm next to you and then gently pet him without looking at him and tell him good boy in a normal tone. If does well with that then you can look at him. If he gets really excited get up and leave the room and ignore him for a couple of minutes. It may seem hard, but he'll learn to control himself, and that your in charge.
Most dogs outgrow this phase as they get a bit older and develop more, For now teach him that getting excited will mean he gets ignored, so he will calmly greet you if you ignore him otherwise.
please go watch the dog whisperer, you are not getting him into the calm, submissive state. my dog "auto peed" till I learned how to help him not do this watching that show.
What the dog needs is obedience school. They can help your problem. Best of luck

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