Thursday, July 30, 2009

English Mastiff??

Hi everybody!
I was wondering if anybody here as owned, or knows somebody who owns a mastiff. I'm dog groomer of two years, and I've worked with just about every breed under the sun except for a mastiff (I had to go to a dog show to interact with one). So, basically, my question is, how do you like him/her and what do you think of the breed??
Please don't tell me they are too big, I am aware of their size.
Thank you very much!
We recently lost our "ZENA" (English Mastiff) to old age back in March '07. We miss her tremendously, although, we have 10 other dogs, 3 Mojave burros and 6 Texas Longhorns, our loss of Zena devastated my entire family.
We moved to the country in 1999, Zena actually lived down the road with her original owners and her son, Spartacus. We started building our house and one day out of the blue Zena came to visit and stayed. After several attempts to retrieve her from our house...the original owners gave up and came by to see her every now and then. After that we took over her as one of ours. The only vet bills we had was the annual vaccinations, monthly heart-worm meds and the feed bill. She weighed approx. 120 pounds of love. She was the most loving female dog that I have ever met. No matter where I went on our property she always followed me. Out where we live coyotes run pretty regular but after Zena came to live with us, you might hear them off in the distance but they dare not come on our property. Should I ever find a need to add to my pack I would buy a Mastiff no matter what the cost.

Hope that I gave you some insight.
I know a few mastiffs, and I love them! They're so friendly :) So basically, I love the breed heh. The only thing is that there was this one mastiff I knew who had a bit of a problem and would bark and, not attack but, show signs of attacking, other ppl that he didnt know. I think that's just a lack of training though, because the other ones I knew never attacked anyone. They're just gentle giants :D
Hi. I have an English Mastiff who is almost a year old. His name is Monty and he is a wonderful dog. I also run a mastiff group here in my town so if you want to look at mastiffs you can just log onto our meetup page at and go to the members section or to the photos section if you want to see pictures of individual mastiffs or group pics from our events. We have a mixture of mastiffs but it seems that most of them are English Mastiffs somehow to me. There are over 70 in our group because some people have more than one in their home and a lot of them were rescues. They are great with kids and in general very slow and gentle with everyone. I can clip Monty's naiils without a problem and he comes to get brushed when I say " who wants to get handsome?" He is just a lovebug and from leading the group, a lot of them seem to be this way. I havent met one with an ornery temperament unless they have arthritis or are recently rescued and adjusting. They want to be wherever you are most of the time so I take him with me as much as possible pushing the dog envelope to take him to stores in town or sitting with him outside restaurants at outdoor seating for drinks and dinner. You would have to be near suicidal to approach a woman late at night with a mastiff so I am safe all the time in a city and so is my kid. I havent had one moments regret about getting him and even with all the dogs I have loved, there has usually been ONE moment of frustration where I wondered what I got myself into. I used to worry how big he might get but now honestly, an elephant could emerge from his crate and I would ask him if he wanted his breakfast. We just love him!

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