Thursday, July 30, 2009

Feild Golden Retreiver?

I just saw a question asking about feild golden retreivers.whats the difference between them and regular ones?
Field goldens likely won't be as "pretty" as other goldens. They're bred primarily for their work ethic and ability - not for their looks. They're dogs who'll be happiest being able to do their job, not just being pets. They'll have much more drive to retrieve, the difference will be in looks, but also in temperament. The average pet owner would want a regular golden, not a field golden.
There should be absolutely no difference in Golden's. The difference comes with their instinct's and drive.
Every Golden should if given the chance and training should be able to be both a good field and family dog and even Show dog.
Golden's come if different colors, bone structure. But they should all be with in the AKC standards for this breed. Golden's were bred to be field dogs and hunting companions. They also can be the best family dog anyone ever had. In my opinion there is no reason for them not to be both.
Sorry Walking Lady but I think your way off the mark on this question. Field golden have their coats trimmed to help them to go through high grass's and so their long feathers won't tangle in the marsh or underbrush. given the time they can grow it all back and be just beautiful dogs. All golden should be even tempered and willing to please their owner no matter if it is the little old lady or the hunter. Golden's if allowed to be and trained can be a great family dog even if they are used in the field too. Drive is great but the drive is to please the owner. Instinct is to hunt if trained to do so. That is what the original breeder wanted and that is what I strived for when I bred my Golden's.
GoldenGal is 100% right, there's not much more you can say about this topic, except that ALL Goldens are happy as pets, regardless of their parentage...I really don't believe there is a dog happier to just be near their family. They are happy to have a job to do, as well, but in my experience, it's more about pleasing their owner than the "hunt" itself.

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